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Hymns By +Hartley > Simply Texting

Simply Texting
(Sung to the tune “Rescue the Perishing”)
Listen to this call TEXTING is dangerous
Don’t throw your life away foolishly 
Too many do not care, too many dying,
Snatched from life to an early grave;
When you are driving TEXTING can wait
Your precious life God gave
Is yours to save 
To our youth we must   plead with them gently;
Tell  them while driving  attention must pay
Life destruc--------------ion you do not need
Listen please listen and TAK----------E heed
Down the road ahead there is road rage
Traffic flowing fast as they come
Your TEXT to whomever CA------------N wait
A minute more is never late
Touched by a loving heart, broaden  by kindness,
TEXTING  is dangerous please tell them;
Speak and not afraid, speak and you may save
One that you dearly love from the grave


Reaching Out to the World and..... Beyond
Under the Protection of the Cross

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