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TODAY'S TOPIC > Pray For The President of The USA

1 Oct 2020

The ACW stands in prayers with the President of the USA. At this moment no matter your political party or thought he is the leader of the world and whatever happen effects all 282 countries of the world. 
The lesson we have learned from this is that we should not (NEVER) take WEARING A MASK for granted, neither should we forget the more than 200,000 lives that we have lost from this unforgivable virus. 
Leadership is  from the top, he is the leader and our concerns fully are with him. We also remember his family and those who are appointed to assist him.   
We invite the ACW, its members, affiliates and friends  to be in prayer.

Hartley, Presiding Archbishop ACW


Reaching Out to the World and..... Beyond
Under the Protection of the Cross

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