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6 Dec 2020

The  past week was an excoriating one for this office. A  beautiful baby I christened in 2014 (now 6) was diagnosed with COVID-19 and is struggling for her life, we all have her in our prayers and request this of you.  We’re reminded that we must not take COVID-19 for granted. It is not a political football but a health issue which has no respect for age.  
Personally I rejoice this week, that on December 11 God  will  have granted me 70 years in this life; 51 of which I have given in his service.
The ACW coffers are running dry, national and international, and seeks your assistance. Later this week, there is a good chance that  you will receive a letter from us. Whatever your gift might be, we will count it as a blessing. If you prefer, you can go to our donation page on the website and  donate via  pay-pal.  
It's with the spirit of the holiday-season that the ACW ask your assistance. Although our churches are closed, we must still meet the daily task of maintenance, utilities and insurance. 
Don’t  let the joy of the birth of Christ be dampened by the current health crisis.  Be blest in whatever you do. Amen.   

Hartley PB/ACW


Reaching Out to the World and..... Beyond
Under the Protection of the Cross

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